The Union: Shadow of the Tyrant

The Union: Shadow of the Tyrant

“You're just meat to them. Weak, tender, soft meat. And they're the Butchers."
- Greyscales, Fishermen's Guild

Tougher than gristle, Ox sees Guild Ball as nothing but brutal blood sport. More merciless maniac than athlete, the master butcher has transformed the pitch into a kitchen nightmare - cleavers, knives, hooks, you name it, his team wields it. Why the cutlery? Because to this deranged butcher, everyone2014even his teammates - is a succulent meat bag, crying out for pain.

His team's playstyle is simple: get to the opposing team and shred flesh until there's nothing left. With a ruthless and unforgiving captain, it's no surprise their bread and butter is mid- to late game, after they've broken the minds and bodies of their opponents. Coaches eager to skewer and maim will delight in the savage brutality of these Butchers.

Cleaving their way to winner's circle one opponent at a time, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Ox, Princess, Brisket, Boiler, Boar, Shank.